Troels Lillebæk

Troels Lillebæk,
professor, afdelingschef,
Tuberkulose og Mykobakterier
T. 32683704
Research area
Director and responsible for the research strategy at the International Reference Laboratory of mycobacteriology (IRLM) at Statens Serum Institut (SSI) focusing on tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria research based on microbiological, molecular, immunological, and pharmacological methods. Especially interested in molecular epidemiology and interpretation of genotyping data. Supervision (previous/ongoing) of nine PhD´s, one MPH and two ”postdoc”.
PubMed link
Director at IRLM which performs laboratory based diagnostics, surveillance and research on tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria for Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands.
Serves as national- and international expert, e.g. in connection with WHO (Supranational Reference Laboratory Network), ECDC (TB Disease Network Coordinating Committee & European Reference Laboratory TB Network), European Society of Mycobacteriology (Steering Committee & Vice President), and the Danish "National Tuberculosis Group".
Clinical work as Consultant ID-specialist in the Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic at Zealand University Hospital Roskilde
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