Katharina Wørzner

Katharina Wørzner,
Post Doc,
Infektionsimmunologi / Adjuvans
@. kawo@ssi.dk
Min forskning fokuserer på, hvordan vaccinehjælpestoffer/adjuvanser kan hjælpe vacciner til at give en optimal beskyttelse. Dette indebærer at studere, hvordan adjuvanser dirigerer immunresponset i forhold til den specifikke sygdom, man ønsker at udvikle en vaccine mod samt udvikling af nye typer af adjuvanser.
- Postdoc hos afdelingen for Infektionsimmunologi, Center for Vaccine Research
Udvalgte publikationer
K Wørzner, J Hvannastein, ST Schmidt, C Foged, I Rosenkrands, GK Pedersen and D Christensen. Adsorption of protein antigen to the cationic liposome adjuvant CAF®01 is required for induction of Th1 and Th17 responses but not for antibody induction. Eur. J. Pharm Biopharm 2021
K Wørzner, DJ Sheward, ST Schmidt, L Hanke, J Zimmermann, G McInerney, GBK Hedestam, B Murrell, D Christensen and GK Pedersen. Adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 spike protein elicits neutralizing antibodies and CD4 T cell responses after a single immunization in mice. EBioMedicine 2021.
GK Pedersen, K Wørzner, P Andersen and D Christensen. Vaccine Adjuvants Differentially Affect Kinetics of Antibody and Germinal Center Responses. Front Immunol 2020
ST Schmidt, CL Olsen, H Franzyk, K Wørzner, KS Korsholm, T Rades, P Andersen, C Foged and D Christensen. Comparison of two different PEGylation strategies for the liposomal adjuvant CAF09: Towards induction of CTL responses upon subcutaneous vaccine administration. Eur. J. Pharm Biopharm 2019
Alle publikationer: Katharina Wørzners bibliography