Alvaro Borges

Alvaro Borges
Infektionsimmunologi / CVR administration
Research areas
Álvaro Borges is a physician-scientist educated in Brazil, the United Kingdom and Denmark. He has an MSc degree in Tropical and Infectious Diseases by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (2011) and a PhD in Immunology and Infectious Diseases by the University of Copenhagen (2015). He has joined the Center for Vaccine Research (CVR) at Statens Serum Institut in Denmark as Chief Medical Officer to work on clinical trials testing new candidate vaccines in humans.
Álvaro has been actively involved in 1) design and coordination of clinical trials and research projects primarily within vaccines, 2) studies of pathogen mechanisms and natural immunity / vaccine immunity in human cohorts, 3) clinical data interpretation, preparation of scientific manuscripts and presentations at international meetings and 4) fundraising for clinical trials.
Álvaro has more than 8 years’ experience working as a medical officer of multinational trials involving participants with infectious diseases. He has considerable expertise in clinical research, clinical trials, infectious diseases, vaccines, epidemiology, tropical medicine and HIV.
- design and coordination of clinical trials and research projects primarily within vaccines
- studies of pathogen mechanisms and natural immunity / vaccine immunity in human cohorts
- clinical data interpretation, preparation of scientific manuscripts and presentations at international meetings
- fundraising for clinical trials
- sponsor’s medically qualified person and representative in conducting clinical trials testing CVR’s vaccines
Selected publications
- Borges AH, Faragher B, Lalloo DG. Pyomyositis in the upper Negro river basin, Brazilian Amazonia. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2012 Sep;106(9):532-7.
- Borges, AH.; Silverberg, Michael J.; Wentworth, Deborah; Grulich, Andrew E.; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Mitsuyasu, Ronald; Tambussi, Giuseppe; Sabin, Caroline A.; Neaton, James D.; Lundgren, Jens D.; for the INSIGHT SMART, ESPRIT, SILCAAT Study Groups. Predicting risk of cancer during HIV infection: the role of inflammatory and coagulation biomarkers. AIDS. 27(9):1433-1441, June 1, 2013.
- Borges ÁH, Neuhaus J, Babiker AG, Henry K, Jain MK, Palfreeman A, Mugyenyi P, Domingo P, Hoffmann C, Read TR, Pujari S, Meulbroek M, Johnson M, Wilkin T, Mitsuyasu R; INSIGHT START Study Group. Immediate Antiretroviral Therapy Reduces Risk of Infection-Related Cancer During EarlyHIVInfection. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Dec 15;63(12):1668-1676.
- Borges ÁH, Neuhaus J, Sharma S, Neaton JD, Henry K, Anagnostou O, Staub T, Emery S, Lundgren JD; INSIGHT SMART & START Study Groups. The effect of interrupted/deferred antiretroviral therapy on disease risk: a SMART & START combined analysis. J Infect Dis. 2019 Jan 7;219(2):254-263.
- da Silva Neto MM, Brites C, Borges ÁH. Cancer during HIV infection. APMIS. 2020 Jan 28. doi: 10.1111/apm.13020. [Epub ahead of print] Review.